MOUNTAIN BIKING: Lehigh Memorial Park.

← IL 21N7E 134H1 CHAM08 09A 21N7E 134H1 CHAM08 09A Single Tracks →


This trail is a intense network of trails very fast with large natural drops and <br />
jumps. its is very extensive trail network meaning you can make any line you <br />
wnat and make it quite unique.


Oglesby is right off of interstate 39, then you drive down West Walnut <br /><br />Street about 2 miles to Lehigh Memorial Park (which should be on you left) <br /><br />and on your right there is a parking lot you can park in. Now finding the trail <br /><br />head. Looking at the park walk to the very back left corner (behind the <br /><br />band stand) and there will trail that looks like a small double track trail <br /><br />follow that then you will come to a steep drop and then there will be a fast <br /><br />left off shoot where is the beginning of the trail.